720p vs 1080p Video Resolution

October 19, 2021

Are you a movie buff that's confused between 720p and 1080p video resolution? Fret not because we, the Flare Compare Team, have got you covered!

What Is Video Resolution?

Before we dive into the comparison between 720p and 1080p video resolution, let's understand what "resolution" is. Video resolution refers to the number of horizontal pixels and vertical pixels used to create an image. It's usually represented in the format of "WIDTH x HEIGHT" pixels.

720p Video Resolution

720p video resolution has a pixel count of 1280x720, meaning if you multiply them together, you get around 921,600 pixels. This makes it a high definition (HD) video resolution. Most streaming platforms use 720p as their minimum standard for HD streaming.

1080p Video Resolution

1080p video resolution has a pixel count of 1920x1080, which when multiplied, results in 2,073,600 pixels. This resolution is also known as full high definition (FHD) video resolution, and is commonly available on Blu-ray discs and streaming platforms like Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, and YouTube.

Comparison: 720p vs 1080p Video Resolution

When it comes to choosing between 720p and 1080p video resolution, it all comes down to your preference, usage, and your device's capability.

For instance, if you're watching a movie or a TV show on a small-sized device like a smartphone or a tablet, you won't be able to tell much of a difference between 720p and 1080p video resolution.

However, if you're streaming on a larger screen like a desktop, a laptop or a TV, the difference in quality will be noticeable. 1080p video resolution offers more pixels, sharpness, and clarity than 720p. This is especially noticeable in fast-paced action sequences, animations, and sports events.

It's also worth noting that higher resolutions require more bandwidth for streaming or downloading, and take up more storage space in your device. Besides, not all content is available in 1080p. So, if you're streaming shows or movies that are only broadcasted in 720p, the difference will be negligible.


In conclusion, it all depends on your device's capability and the type of content you're streaming. 1080p video resolution offers more pixels and better quality, but if your device doesn't support it, you won't be able to experience it in its full glory. So, be mindful of your device's specs and the availability of 1080p content before making the right decision.

We hope this comparison helped you in making an informed decision about video resolutions. Happy Streaming!


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